Terms of Service and Privacy Policy Statement

By using the Universe Media Hub website, you agree to be bound by all terms, conditions, and notices contained or referenced herein in the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy Statement. We reserve the right to change or discontinue any feature of the Site, including but not limited to the Terms of Service, at any time, by posting revisions onto the Site. Your continued use of the Site indicates your agreement to the revised terms. Please review this information periodically to stay informed of any revisions. If you do not agree to the terms, please do not register or de-register as a user and exit the Site immediately.

Links to Third-Party Sites & Services: Universe Media Hub’s site contains links to and from sites operated by third parties. We make no representations about any third-party content or websites linked to or from this Site. These links are provided as a courtesy, and their inclusion does not imply our endorsement. Our Privacy Policy is applicable only when you are on this Site. Review the provider’s and the linked site’s use agreements and privacy policies. If you disagree, we recommend terminating your use of that service or your visit to the site.

Intellectual Property: All content and materials on this Site, including the selection, coordination, and arrangement, are protected by national and international copyrights, trademarks, and other proprietary rights. Unless otherwise indicated, all logos, names, and marks on the Site are trademarks or service marks owned by Universe Media Hub. The use or misuse of any of these materials is strictly prohibited.

Lawful Use: Use the Site or its contents for lawful purposes and as expressly permitted in this Terms of Service. You may download, print, or view individual pages for noncommercial use only, provided you do not delete or change any information, including copyright or trademark notices. Selling, licensing, or exploiting the content in any way is strictly prohibited.

User’s Grant of License: By posting or submitting content to the Site, you grant Universe Media Hub and its licensees the right to use, reproduce, display, and promote the content. You warrant that you own or control all rights to the content and that its use will not infringe or violate third-party rights.

Disclaimer of Warranties: All materials, information, software, products, and services on the Site are provided “as is” and “as available.” We do not warrant, either expressly or by implication, including warranties of title, non-infringement, or merchantability. We do not guarantee the accuracy, availability, or correction of defects or errors.

Limitation of Liability: We and our partners shall not be liable for any damages, including direct, indirect, punitive, or consequential damages, arising from the use or inability to use the Site or its content. This limitation applies whether the alleged liability is based on contract, tort, negligence, or other basis.

Indemnification: You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold Universe Media Hub and its partners harmless from any liabilities, claims, and expenses arising from your use or misuse of the Site or its content.

Monitoring Content: Universe Media Hub reserves the right to monitor the Site’s content, including chat rooms and forums, to determine compliance with this Agreement. We may edit, refuse to post, or remove any material submitted to or posted on the Site without your permission.

International Use – Local Laws: By accessing the Site from any location other than Panama, you accept responsibility for compliance with local laws. Materials on the Site may not be appropriate or available for use in locations where their contents are illegal.

Security Precautions: The services and information provided are protected using industry-standard security precautions. You are responsible for understanding the risks of using the public Internet and protecting your confidential information. Seek professional advice on protecting your privacy and evaluating the security of the information systems you use.

Choice of Law: This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Panama. You agree that any claim or action arising from these Terms of Service or your use of the Site shall be led only in the courts of Panama, and you submit to the jurisdiction of such courts.

Integration and Severability: These Terms of Service and our Privacy Policy constitute the entire agreement between Universe Media Hub and you with respect to the Site, superseding all prior communications and proposals.

Unauthorized Use and Termination: Use the Site only for authorized and legal activities. We reserve the right to terminate your access to all or part of the Site, with or without notice and for any reason.

Privacy and Disclosure: You have read and accept the terms of our Privacy Policy.

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